Integrative Studio and Seminar Class 2:

Below are  a few compositions that I have made using lines and dots, to represent the 10 words that I think I identify myself with(previous blog post).


Next, we were supposed to make a 3D object which would in turn represent one of these 4 compositions. Here is a rough sketch for the prototype as well as the prototype itself.


This is my final structure. It’s just a bigger version of the prototype.

This exercise was such a good way to explore myself a little bit more without even realizing it. I tried to make the 3D model as simple and clear as possible. I used a chunk of clay as my base, as I am pretty fascinated with the fact that you can mould clay the way you want to. I found that there was a co-relation between clay and our own individual personalities. Clay can be easily moulded as per our own desires much like our very own personalities. The clay base is representative of the fact that basically I am at age where my personality can be moulded subject to the various external influences.

One of the words that I feel best describe my personality is “indecisive” and according to me the zig zag net wire represents my indecisiveness.My mind constantly oscillates between various options. The ups-and-downs of the wire represent these oscillations.

Generally a wire can be moulded easily and retains the shape it is given in contrast to a telephone wire which is very wobbly and clumsy  I happen to be pretty clumsy myself at times and so, the telephone cord represents that word. Generally when a telephone wire is stretched it has a tendency to recoil. I have a tendency to stretch my imagination to its very limit till someone shakes me up and I finally come back to reality.

I noticed that the wire mesh that I bought from my local hardware store had one of the most intricate grids that I had seen which, according to me, looked quite organized and pretty much perfect. This is representative of the perfectionist in me.

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